1/8” acrylic ought to cut easily (our lasers can process acrylic up to ¼” thick with good results)
Please make sure your material is PMMA acrylic (the chemical composition, regardless of manufacturer) – hardware stores will often sell material labeled as “acrylic” which is actually a polycarbonate that will not cut well using a CO2 laser (toxic fumes & poor quality cuts ) :
The two materials look very similar, so it is best to source your material from a supplier who can reliably ensure you are purchasing PMMA.
If you are unsure if you have PMMA or polycarbonate, please bring in a sample so we can do a scratch test to determine which material it is. Be advised that we will not allow polycarbonate materials to be cut or engraved using our laser cutters.
We recommend using the BOSS to make cuts at this time; the output software for that machine can accept a wide variety of file formats (.dxf .dmg .pdf .svg .eps ,etc) – the most important thing when bringing in files created in AutoCAD is to double check that your scaling is all 1:1 *before* making your cuts!