Answered By: Morgan Chivers Last Updated: Nov 22, 2019 Views: 295
Answered By: Morgan Chivers
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2019 Views: 295
There may already be open-source cases available for your specific Arduino/Raspberry Pi/other development board - check Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory, etc.
If you don't find a suitable case that someone else has designed and made the file available, you'll need to design your own (consider posting your project to a repository of 3D models with a Creative Commons license so that others will be able to find and make use of it for their projects : )
You'll need to find the exact dimensions of the board you are using, and use 3D modeling software to create a housing with sufficient space for all your components. Ideally, measure the mounting holes on your actual board and include standoffs within the design of your enclosure to promote airflow, reduce static buildup, and keep the components secure.
You can use any 3D modeling software to achieve this; if you don't have 3D modeling experience, TinkerCAD is a great place to start. If you find a open-licensed model online through Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory, etc, you can also use TinkerCAD or other 3D modeling software to alter the form to better realize your design goals.
Feel free to come into the FabLab for help with your design process! We have digital calipers to aid with the precise measurements you'll need and our staff is experienced in offering guidance through the iterative design process.
If you don't find a suitable case that someone else has designed and made the file available, you'll need to design your own (consider posting your project to a repository of 3D models with a Creative Commons license so that others will be able to find and make use of it for their projects : )
You'll need to find the exact dimensions of the board you are using, and use 3D modeling software to create a housing with sufficient space for all your components. Ideally, measure the mounting holes on your actual board and include standoffs within the design of your enclosure to promote airflow, reduce static buildup, and keep the components secure.
You can use any 3D modeling software to achieve this; if you don't have 3D modeling experience, TinkerCAD is a great place to start. If you find a open-licensed model online through Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory, etc, you can also use TinkerCAD or other 3D modeling software to alter the form to better realize your design goals.
Feel free to come into the FabLab for help with your design process! We have digital calipers to aid with the precise measurements you'll need and our staff is experienced in offering guidance through the iterative design process.
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