Answered By: Morgan Chivers Last Updated: Sep 15, 2020 Views: 57
to put a graphic onto a hoodie (and other types of clothing/bags made out of woven fabrics such as cotton/polyester/linen/etc) you have two options; one that's available immediately and one that we're still working on making available soon.
- Heat Transfer Vinyl - (available now) - we can cut your graphic out of sheets of colored vinyl with a heat-activated adhesive. you'll get vinyl sheet(s) with your design lines cut, then you'll need to remove the negative space with a weeding kit (which we have available for you to check out). once your graphic is cleaned up and ready to apply, you can use a regular iron to set the design onto your hoodie. You can do one color or multiple colors; however many you want.
- Embroidery - (not available yet) - we can't embroider directly onto learner articles at this time, but we will be able to embroider a felt patch, which learners can then sew onto whatever they like. This process will probably be available late Sept/early Oct 2020
- for either option, you can prepare your graphic in Adobe Illustrator, with each color on a separate layer
- we're happy to help you with any questions you have about how to prepare your files through the FabLab Alternate Consultation Experience:
looking forward,
Morgan Chivers
FabLab Librarian
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