Answered By: Peace Ossom Williamson
Last Updated: Sep 09, 2020     Views: 34976

Part A: Citing an Article

  •  Cite it according to APA rules for an article. Here's the general format:
    Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number(issue number), page number. DOI
  • More details about specific differences between articles can be found in the APA manual and on the APA guide:

Part B: Citing a Mission Statement

  • To find the mission statement of a professional organization, this is usually on an "About Us" page or something similar.
  • Then cite the mission statement as a webpage according to the APA manual. Here's the general format for webpages with an institutional author:
    Full Institutional Name. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of document. URL
  • The "Last Updated" date is what you use. If that is not present, use the copyright date in the footer. It may just be the year.
  • For more info on citing using APA, see the Online page from the APA guide: